Over the years, I've benefited greatly from practitioners offering accessible ways to work with them. I wouldn’t be where I am without other people’s radical generosity and collective care, and I hope to continue that thread.

Take a look through some of my online resources, accessible for free whenever you need.

Body Magic

A Substack about embodiment, creativity, collective liberation, magic, and how we can belong to ourselves and the world.

I write essays. Make zines about breathwork. And send out a collaborative Apothecary of links, music, books and food that feel like medicine each new moon.

The Bear & The Body Witch

Joeli Caparco and I discuss queerness, embodiment, and magic, sharing our personal experiences and insights we stumble upon.

A podcast that’s equal parts curiosity and nonsense made by two weirdos in love.

Wayward Bodies

Wayward Bodies was a podcast about bodies and the messy places they meet the world.

You’ll find conversations about embodiment, liberation, creativity, magic, and how we can practice living in wholeness.

Expect a mix of solo musings and guest episodes, with a lens of queerness, anti-oppression, body liberation and lots of space for the nuance of being a human.

Radical Rest Studio

Rest is anything that connects mind and body. Rest is anything that restores you, and remembers you back to your wholeness. Rest is a reclamation of softness, slowness, and femme energy. And, in a world of exhaustion, burnout, and disconnection, rest is a radical act.

If you want to cultivate a practice of rest, I want to show you what I know. A notion dashboard filled with ways to slow down and steady yourself in un-restful times.