Sliding scale pricing
I wholeheartedly believe that practices of self awareness and healing should be accessible to everyone, no matter what their financial situation is. Running a business means that I get to play with ways to make that happen. I get to create a little world where I can fuck with capitalism’s rules. A place which supports you while also allowing me to keep the lights on, feed my cat, and buy yarn to knit myself something cute.
That’s why I engage sliding scale pricing for most of my offerings. And why I’m always open to conversations about skill swaps or different payment plans. I wanted to write a few words about why I like to work this way.
Sliding scale pricing can be super uncomfortable for people. It’s a system that asks us to engage directly with commerce and exchange, getting really honest about what resources we have available to us. And firstly, I want to acknowledge that money can be a super vulnerable subject. If you’re feeling activated or resistant or overwhelmed with scarcity when faced with choosing a price, that’s totally okay. Take a minute. Take a breath.
Capitalism teaches us that we should pay as little as we possibly can for everything. To consume mindlessly and quickly, to grab a bargain no matter what. Capitalism teaches us that we never have enough. That it’s a dog eat dog world and we have to take as much as we can to survive because we’re in it alone.
I’m calling bullshit. Because I believe that it’s possible to have systems of exchange that aren’t extractive. That make space for us to mutually support each other.
Sliding scale pricing enables you to actively choose your price, taking into account the personal and cultural resources available to you. You don’t need to justify or prove anything. No tax documents needed to verify your choice. It’s a system that runs on honesty and integrity. Those who have more contribute a little more, those who have less are able to be supported by that overflow.
Here’s a general guide to locating where you sit on the scale:
+ Supporter. If you have financial abundance and security, personal or generational wealth, please choose the top end of the scale. This also helps to fund folks in the Supported tier.
+ General. If you are employed and/or are meeting your basic financial needs (rent, food costs, bills etc), please choose one of the middle tiers.
+ Supported. If you are experiencing financial insecurity, and accessing basic needs is challenging, choose the lower end of the scale. There are limited places in this tier so please choose intentionally.
I’d love to know your thoughts on sliding scale pricing!