Breath, rest and magic for creatives, witches, and change-makers

one-to-one ✹ studio dreamland ✹ snail mail ✹ writing ✹ podcast
Hi, I’m Elle. I’m a body witch.
I help chronic overthinkers to get out of their heads and into their bodies. Because that’s where their magic is. It’s the foundation for a life that feels more honest, alive, and connected.
My work is rooted in collective liberation, intersectional feminism, and belonging to ourselves, one another, and the earth. It’s political, spiritual, magical work that I particularly love doing with folks that don’t often see themselves in ‘healing’ or ‘wellness’ spaces.
I’m here for the creatives, the queers, the changemakers, and the weirdos. For the babes who want to create a better world, and know that their own life is the best place to start.

A slow, intentional return to center.
Using breath, rest, and somatic awareness as our guides, you'll learn to inhabit your body with growing trust and ease. This isn't about forcing change – it's about creating the conditions for a natural unfolding.
You’ll explore how to navigate your nervous system, stop abandoning parts of yourself for the sake of false belonging, and uproot the tendrils of capitalism and colonialism that have disconnected you from your body and the living world around you.
If you’re done with bandaid solutions and you’re ready for deeper healing, this is for you.
“Working with you was like a soothing balm, a safe place to look at some of that ways I had stopped listening to myself and to play with finding that safe place of my own. And it was FUN.”

Studio Dreamland
A radical wellbeing studio and digital community space.
Studio Dreamland is a space of deep humanness. At its heart is an invitation into deeper relationship.
Connection with ourselves, one another, and the world through somatic, spiritual and creative practices.
It's a home for those who dare to envision more just, inclusive, and magical worlds—and the place where we roll up our sleeves and embody those dreams in reality.
“You created a space for me that felt intimate, safe, supported - that ideal combination of being held and having freedom.”

Snail Mailing List
Real mail from me to you.
Tangible connection in a digital age. Sign up to receive a letter from me in your letterbox each month. Much better than bills and junk mail!
Body Magic
A weekly email series about belonging, creativity, collective liberation, and finding your magic.
For folks wanting to shift from stuck in their head to a more embodied and magical life.