This is a soft revolution.

Summer of Rest is a month-long experiment in slowing the fuck down for folks who know they need to rest but find it surprisingly tricky to actually do.

It’s also a gentle invitation to reclaim your time, energy, and worth from productivity culture.

We’re going to spend August planting the seeds of a different way of moving through the world. Something more connected, more human-paced, more restorative.

This summer, join me in stepping out of the extractive grind-to-collapse cycle and embodying a more sustainable way of living.

We’ll have weekly practice circles (over Zoom, with recordings), where you’ll learn body-based practices to slow down, ground, and drop into deep relaxation, and can share how rest is feeling to you that week.

You’ll get access to a private Substack with weekly emails/audio recordings that dive deep into themes of radical rest. From navigating your nervous system and unlearning urgency, to calling back your energy and dreaming as resistance.

You’ll get lifetime access to our Notion Clubhouse, where all the recordings and resources will compile. There will also be supplementary resources like playlists, journaling prompts, tarot pulls, and additional practice recordings to help support you throughout your Summer of Rest and beyond.

Who this is for:

Burnt out creatives, tired change-makers, exhausted witches, and queers who just can’t shut their brain off.

People wanting to begin (or reinvigorate) a practice that helps them reconnect to themself and the world around them

People who are feeling wrung out by the complexities of existing in the polycrisis

Folks wanting to change the way they care for themselves and would do well with gentle guidance

Dreamers who want create a better world, and know that their own life is the best place to start

What will change:

You’ll actually be able to rest!

You’ll have hours of practice at slowing down, coming back to centre, and settling your nervous system

You’ll be more familiar with your roadblocks to rest and be able to navigate around them

You’ll grow a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you

You’ll develop trust in your ability to know your edges, and when to say no

You’ll have created touchstones of rest that you can lean on going forward

You’ll practice a radical, regenerative way of being in your life and in the world

Why this is different:

Summer of Rest is all about reconnecting to wholeness, so all of you is welcome in the space. And because it’s hosted by me, Elle Bower Johnston, you can expect a bunch of witchy woven in with the somatic. We’ll explore rest not just from a physical perspective, but from the realms of the spiritual, energetic, and relational as well.

This is a space that won’t tell you to ‘self care’ your way out of systemic issues, or ignore the ways that capitalism, white supremacy, and heteropatriarchy impact our experience of rest. In fact, I believe that resting is an integral part in creating worlds beyond these brutal systems.

My groups are always compassionate, vulnerable, and filled with awesome, interesting folks. So you'll get the energetic support of an aligned community, along with a facilitator who is cheering you on!


Dates + Times

11am BST Sunday, August 4th – Opening Practice Circle

Monday, August 5th – This Is Your Body On Rest (physical rest)

11am BST Sunday, August 11th – Practice Circle

Monday, August 12th – You Have Time (mental rest)

11am BST Sunday, August 18th – Practice Circle

Monday, August 19th – Coming to Center (energetic rest)

11am BST Sunday, August 25th – Practice Circle

Monday, August 26th – The Dreaming (relational rest)

11am BST Sunday, September 1st – Closing Practice Circle

Sundays are the live calls
Mondays are that week’s email/audio recording

What You Need:

A body (specifically, yours)

Enough space to lie down somewhere



One payment of £115

Or split it - 2 x £58 or 3 x £39


Join the mailing list to be the first in line next time

  • Dude! Me too! Which is to say, yes. You can totally make this work. The intention is that Summer of Rest is something you can weave into the realities of your life. there won't be any big homework or pressure to 'keep up'. You can take what you need and trust that the rest will be there if and when you want to circle back

  • Nope! Everything is digital so you can take me with you, if you want to practice rest on your holiday. Or you can watch the recordings after your return if it turns out the wifi is spotty or something. The Summer of Rest is non-sequential so you won't need to rush to 'catch up' for things to make sense

  • Of course! A Winter of Rest sounds absolutely dreamy. Depending on where you are the call times might align quite nicely, and if not there will still be plenty of opportunity for conversation and community connection in our private Substack.

  • I'm totally open to discussing it. Drop me an email telling me what you need and we'll see if we can work it out